Services Directory

Search our services and tools below.


Altmetric Explorer

Altmetric's mission is to track and analyze the online activity around scholarly research outputs.

Archives Research

As a center for research and creativity, the University Archives promote translational and innovative uses of primary sources.

Article Processing Charge (APC) Fund

The Libraries offer a number of ways to help you fund open access publishing, from providing funding to maintaining memberships that will help you pay less to publish your research.


The University Libraries collects data on its services, collections, and programming to make data-informed decisions in service to the CMU community.


Bloomberg Terminals

Bloomberg is a powerful and flexible platform for financial professionals that brings together real-time data on all market, news and research, analytics, and communication tools.

Book Club Kits

The University Libraries now offers book club kits for certain titles, similar to those you might find in a public library. Each kit includes a handful of copies of a book, along with a set of discussion questions related to the book and its possible themes.


BrowZine displays recent issues of scholarly journals on your computer or mobile device for easy browsing.


Carpentries Workshops

Software Carpentry is a non-profit organization that teaches basic computing skills to researchers.

Connecting from Off Campus

Current CMU students, faculty, and staff have access to electronic library materials from off campus. All other users must be on campus and request temporary computer access to use electronic materials.

Copy, Print & Scan

The Libraries offers a list of printers, scanners, and copiers available at each location. Step-by-step instructions are posted at the machines.

Copyright & Fair Use

As you create or publish materials for research and teaching, it's important to understand copyright. Managing copyright effectively and using other people's copyrighted work are important parts of research and publishing.

Course Reserves

Course Reserves are course-related items made available at the request of instructors. Course reserves are available online (as an e-book) 24/7 or as a physical copy held at the circulation desk for short-term use by students.


Data & Code Support

We offer support for open source coding languages and data science tools for anyone in the CMU community working on research, class projects, or simply learning a new skill.

Data Visualization

Are you currently involved in work that could be augmented by visualizing your data for analysis or to communicate your findings to the public?

Databases, eResources & Tools

Explore an A-Z listing of databases, datasets, and research support tools aimed at assisting students, faculty, and staff members throughout the r

Digital Humanities

The Libraries is dedicated to advancing research and teaching involving humanities data sources in digital humanities and humanities analytics.

Digitization Services

Our Digital Collections feature a wide range of materials including newspapers, maps, manuscripts, letters, publications, and more.


One of the largest linked research knowledge databases bringing together information on publications, grants, patents, clinical trials, policy documents and datasets into a single place for improved global discovery and analysis.



The CMU Libraries host a node of the EaaSI (Emulation as a Service Infrastructure) network, a resource which allows for in- browser emulation of legacy software and operating systems. The CMU EaaSI server can be used to facilitate emulation for a class or research project.


Elements is the shared research information management system at CMU, which collects and maintains academic and research activities in one convenient location.


If your materials are unavailable from the CMU Libraries, you may be able to borrow them from another library using EZBorrow, a consortium of 60+ academic libraries.



Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Services

Geographic Information Systems are tools that allow you to manipulate spatial data. Spatial data include vector data (e.g., shapefiles), raster images (e.g., GeoTIFFs), LiDAR, and others. Spatial inquiry and analysis is of growing interest in multiple disciplines.

Google Scholar

Want to get more out of something you already use? Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.



If your books, articles, theses, or other materials are unavailable at CMU, you may be able to borrow them from another library using ILLiad.


iThenticate is a plagiarism prevention tool that compares documents (including journal article manuscripts, proposals, research reports, thesis, and dissertations, etc.) against millions of published


Journals & Newspapers

The Journal and Newspaper Search in the catalog will tell you if we have print and/or online subscriptions for a journal o



Keenious is a powerful recommender tool that leverages search algorithms and AI to analyze text to recommend relevant research articles and topics to enhance the research process and aid in serendipitous discovery.

KiltHub Repository & Collection

Provided by the University Libraries, KiltHub is the comprehensive institutional repository and research collaboration platform for research data and scholarly outputs produced by members of Carnegie Mel



LabArchives is an Electronic Research Notebook that can be used for securely storing, sharing, searching, and managing research data in any field or as a lab manual and notebook

LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that facilitates access to the Libraries' full text resources as you find research on the web.

Library Publishing Service

The Carnegie Mellon University Libraries Publishing Service (LPS) supports scholarly journals, online exhibitions, and other open access digital projects to promote learning, share research,


My Account

When you sign in to your account with your Andrew ID, you can: view account and renew items, place holds and book technology and equipment, view full search results (some databases only show results when you're signed in), export to citation managers, and create favorites lists.


Open Access

Providing open access to research and scholarship has become a worldwide movement serving the mission of higher education. As a world-leading research institution, Carnegie Mellon is a major creator and consumer of scholarly materials, and sees open access as strategically important.

Open Access Agreements

The term open access (OA) describes the practice of making scholarly research outputs freely accessible online and easily discoverable in an Internet search.

Open at CMU

Services and Tools for Opening Research and Scholarship to All

Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources (OER) are free, openly licensed, and open-access teaching materials. OER reduce financial access barriers to students by lowering the costs of textbooks and course supplies, helping to make higher education more equitable and accessible.

Open Science & Data Collaborations

Open Science and Data Collaborations (OSDC) is a University Libraries program supporting collaborative, transparent, openly accessible, and reproducible research across all disciplines at Carnegie Mellon University.

Open Science Framework

Developed by the non-profit, Center for Open Science, Open Science Framework (OSF), is an open source research management platform that supports reproducible and open research.

Open Source Programs Office (OSPO)

The open source programs office (OSPO) raises awareness and capacity for open source software to better develop, manage, curate, and share it for research, education, translation, and broader impact.


ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit, platform agnostic registry of unique author identifiers. It will distinguish you from other researchers throughout your scholarly career.


Overleaf is designed to make the process of writing, editing and producing your research papers and project reports much quicker for both you and your collaborators.


Permission to Publish

Are you interested in using materials from our archival collections in your research, art, or publication? We are happy to work with you to find a solution. is a platform for recording, organizing, and sharing detailed up-to-date research methods and protocols.


Requesting from Other Libraries

If your materials are unavailable at CMU, you may be able to borrow them from another library using Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad or E-Z Borrow services). Request books only from participating libraries. Follow the links below for step-by-step instructions on how to use each service.

Research Data Management

What services do the Libraries offer to support research data management for researchers, faculty, and students across all disciplines at CMU? What are recommended practices for data management planning? How do you create robust metadata?

Research Guides

Our A-Z list of Research Guides is sorted by group, subject, course, or librarian/specialist. We have guides tailored to classes and subject areas—see if we have one that can help you.

Research Metrics Services

The University Libraries provides research metrics support to CMU students, researchers, and staff. Research metrics is the measurement of the impact of published research based on various metrics.

Research/Reference Help

Our personnel are information specialists with extensive knowledge of disciplinary information sources and methods who can help with everything from a first-year assignment to dissertation work and grant-funded research projects.

Resources for Remote Instruction & Research

As you prepare for hybrid or online teaching and research, the Libraries can provide solutions that reduce your preparation time, enhance your students' experience, and make your research more productive.

RIMS - Research Information Management Services

Research Information Management Services (RIMS) brings together information about scholarship, creative practices, and funded research endeavors, as well as teaching, service, awards, and leadership accomplishments.



SciVal is a web-based analytics solution that provides comprehensive access to the research performance of over 20,000 research institutions and their associated researchers f


Sysrev is a document review platform designed to help individuals and teams manage the steps in a systematic review, or other type of systematized document or literature review process. Learn more in the Sysrev Research Guide.



Tableau is a software that helps you create more dynamic and appealing visualizations for your class projects, research, or just for fun!

Technology Lending

The Libraries has a growing collection of devices available for you to borrow, including iPads, calculators, charging cables, headphones, portable DVD drives, music foot pedals, and more.

Text & Data Mining

Text and data mining (TDM) are becoming increasingly popular ways to conduct research.

Thesis & Dissertation Deposit

As per Carnegie Mellon’s Student Handbook, most graduate students are required to submit copies of their theses and dissertations to the University Libra



The Libraries' workshops – which are offered by the Libraries each semester on a variety of topics – are designed



Zotero is a free, open source tool for helping you collect, organize, cite and share your research sources.