ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a non-profit, platform agnostic registry of unique author identifiers. It will distinguish you from other researchers throughout your scholarly career. Some of the world's largest publishers, funders, and institutions have adopted ORCID.You could be required to have an ORCID ID because publishers and funding agencies are increasingly integrating ORCID into the manuscript and grant proposal submission process.
Getting Started
The Libraries have launched the ORCID Initiative at CMU to help CMU researchers acquire an ORCID ID if they don't already have one, and to link CMU researcher ORCID IDs with their Andrew IDs in Carnegie Mellon's identity management system.
Research Information Management Services (RIMS) brings together information about scholarship, creative practices, and funded research endeavors, as well as teaching, service, awards, and leadership accomplishments.
Primary Contact(s)
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