From managing your copyright and author identity to publishing your research and scholarship openly and tracking its impact, we’re here to help.
Schedule a Consultation
The CMU Libraries' Copyright and Publishing team is comprised of experts to support researchers throughout the scholarly communication ecosystem. We provide expertise and services to support publishing, dissemination, author identity, and research information management by offering support, training, and consultation.
- Katie Behrman, Institutional Repository Specialist
- Emily Bongiovanni, Open Knowledge Librarian
- Charlotte Kiger Price, Arts and Humanities Librarian
- Jen McKee, Business and Entrepreneurship Librarian
- Talia Perry, Digital Projects & Publishing Specialist
- View our current and upcoming workshops.
Scholarly Communications
The term scholarly communications refers to the entire ecosystem for creating, registering, evaluating, disseminating, preserving, and reshaping research and scholarship, including intellectual property policies and the gamut of old and new publication types. Scholarly communications support students, teachers, researchers, and the advancement of knowledge. There is widespread belief that the traditional system for disseminating scholarship is broken. Evolving systems present opportunities for research to be shared more broadly and rapidly.
Related Links:
Learn more in the Scholarly Communication Research Guide.
Copyright & Fair Use
As you create or publish materials for research and teaching, it's important to understand copyright. Managing copyright effectively and using other people's copyrighted work are important parts of research and publishing. The Libraries provides various resources and consultations to help you understand copyright.
Related Links:
Learn more in the Copyright and Fair Use Research Guide.
Open Access
The term open access (OA) describes materials that are freely accessible online and easily discoverable in an Internet search. Providing open access to research and scholarship has become a worldwide movement serving the mission of higher education. As a world-leading research institution, Carnegie Mellon is a major creator and consumer of scholarly materials, and sees open access as strategically important. The university has taken a number of actions to promote open access, and through the Libraries’ efforts to champion new forms of scholarly communication, increasing the dissemination of works authored by the CMU community as widely as possible, and encouraging use and increasing citations and impact.
Related Links:
Learn more in the Open Access Research Guide.
Deposit your Dissertation or Thesis
As per Carnegie Mellon’s Student Handbook, most graduate students are required to submit copies of their theses and dissertations to the University Libraries. The Libraries maintains KiltHub, a free, open access repository of CMU research, and provides access to and assistance with ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, a commercial repository and database of dissertations from institutions around the world. Students should check with their department recommendations on publishing in KiltHub and/or ProQuest.
Related Links:
- KiltHub Repository Open Access Theses and Dissertations
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global
- ProQuest Dissertations and Theses from CMU
Learn more in the Deposit your Dissertation or Thesis Guide
KiltHub is a comprehensive institutional repository platform, provided by the University Libraries and hosted on figshare, where Carnegie Mellon University researchers and their collaborators can share the scholarly outputs and research data produced in the course of their research. KiltHub curates, collects, preserves, and provides open access to this material as part of the Libraries' commitment to open scholarship and collaboration.
Learn more in the KiltHub Research Guide.
Identity Management & Identifiers
A research identity consists of several components, including your name, profile listings, institutional affiliations, and multiple identifiers. Identifiers uniquely and persistently pinpoint an entity to disambiguate it from others with the same or similar name or characteristics. Multiple author identifiers exist today that provide ways to disambiguate authors, including: ORCiD, ScopusIDs, ResearcherIDs, and DimensionsIDs. Integrated into important research workflows in the digital environment, these author identifiers support automated linkages that facilitate recognition and assessment. Identifiers are typically a numeric or alphanumeric string.
Related Links:
Research Information Management
Elements is the shared research information management system at CMU, which collects and maintains academic and research activities in one convenient location. Administered by the University Libraries, Elements empowers CMU scholars to showcase their academic achievements and activities by collecting and curating their research and academic information. Featuring external and internal automated data harvesting, rich and dynamic faculty profiles, assessment and reporting functionality, and open access deposits through integrations with our campus ecosystem, Elements is a comprehensive and powerful scholarly information system that provides a wide array of solutions for CMU faculty and leadership.
Related Links:
Learn more at the Elements Support Portal. | Contact the Elements Team
CMU Library Publishing Service
The Carnegie Mellon University Library Publishing Service (LPS) provides an infrastructure to publish and host born-digital scholarly content. LPS is part of the emerging innovations and services the CMU Libraries offer to support the growing digital scholarship and publishing needs of the CMU community.The mission of the CMU LPS is to maximize open and free access to scholarly publications and products in a sustainable fashion for the benefit of scholars, students, and the general public. We champion open access to promote learning, share research, and create greater opportunities to engage the general public.
Related Links:
Visit the LPS Website | Contact CMU LPS