By Ashley Werlinich, English/Drama Librarian Liaison
Since April is National Poetry Month, we wanted to highlight an unusual (and entirely unique) poetry manuscript in our special collections!
Despite what you may think based on the illuminations, this isn’t a medieval manuscript–in fact, it’s an early 20th-century manuscript copy of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Sonnets from the Portuguese. This faux-medieval illuminated book of poems was commissioned in 1907 as a gift to a woman named Ethel from her husband Joseph and is, quite literally, one of a kind. This manuscript was made by Italian artisan Nestore Leoni–a miniature artist who created illuminations of many literary masterpieces, including works by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Petrarch, and Shakespeare.
The renowned miniaturist was commissioned to make a copy of this poetry collection which was capable of “translating [Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s] harmonies of tone into the language of color.” While initially, Leoni’s idea was to “...illustrate the subject-matter of Mrs. Browning’s sonnets by a series of pictures…after some attempts it became plain that these wonderful poems cannot be interpreted clearly or completely by the graphic arts.”
As such, Leoni decided the only way to pair this work of poetry with images was to “...adorn [the] work with a series of reproductions of artistic masterpieces, which shall demonstrate the eternal power of love’s inspiration…” through their beauty and thematic content.

Such illustrations include the legend of Eros and Psyche, Cupid riding on a lion, the birth of Venus, Boticelli’s spring, and other renowned scenes from Renaissance art. These illustrations are hand painted on the vellum pages of the book, decorated with elaborate ornamental borders, and illuminated with gold leaf.
So if you’re a fan of love poetry, Elizabeth Barret Browning, Renaissance art, or just a lover of unique and embellished editions, be sure to head over to CMU Special Collections to take a look!