A SPIRIT club member cheerleader appears with Carnegie Mellon University's Scotty mascot on the athletic field. (c.1975) Found in the University Archives, available online via our Digital Collections.
At Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, we celebrate the many contributions of the faculty and staff who make the Libraries the destination for scholarly information, creative inquiry, and intellectual collaboration across disciplines, propelling the significance, reach, and impact of the university.
Instruction and Outreach Librarian Reya Saliba published an article in the journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Open by Elsevier.
Program Director for Research Information Management Services Jason Glenn and Associate Dean for Research and Innovation Brian Mathews presented on an OCLC panel about RIMS / Elements. There were 80 attendees, all interested in starting a RIMS program in their libraries or universities.
Mathews also published a paper in the Journal of Library Administration. The paper is titled “The BUFFET PROBLEM: The Pursuit of Curating Time.”
Science and Engineering Librarian Chasz Griego taught Python programming with data during a three-day virtual Data Carpentries Workshop (February 27-29) for staff at Environmental Defense Fund, a nonprofit environmental advocacy group in the United States.
Head of Resource and Discovery Services Kim Dolan presented at the Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference in March along with colleagues from Loyola University in Chicago, Western Carolina University, and Coastal Carolina. The presentation was titled “Adventures in Streaming: Exploring Kanopy's Smart PDA.”
Digital Projects & Publishing Specialist Talia Perry will give an invited public lecture for the Center for Print, Networks, and Performance in Dietrich College for Humanities and Social Sciences, titled "Rooftop Fancy and Folly: Tudor Chimney Stack as Device and Discourse," on March 27.
Liaison to the School of Architecture Lynn Kawaratani presented “Zines: The New Generation of Radical Architecture Little Magazines” at the Association of Architecture School Librarians in Vancouver.