The University Libraries is partnering with DNAnexus to host a virtual hackathon titled "Bringing Genomic Data to the Clinic Hackathon!" on March 9-11, 2022. Teams will work together to build pipelines to analyze large datasets within a cloud infrastructure.
After a brief organizational session, teams will spend three days addressing a challenging set of scientific problems related to a group of genomics datasets. Participants will analyze and combine datasets in order to work on crucial problems and opportunities in clinical bioinformatics. Throughout the three days, participants will come together to discuss progress on each of the topics, bioinformatics best practices, coding styles, etc. Manuscripts describing the design and usage of the software tools constructed by each team may be submitted to an appropriate journal for publication.
You can read about our last hackathon in this blog post and find a description of the output in a preprint on BioHackrXiv.
Find more information and apply for the 2022 hackathon here. Researchers and students at any career stage are welcome to apply.