This month we are excited to celebrate the end of a successful first year of the dataCoLab and kickoff the second year. You can read more about how to get involved with dataCoLab, as well as other training opportunities and events, below.
In this issue, you can also find information on how we can help you write the data management portions of a grant and make your data open.
As a reminder, our open research and scholarship support is available to researchers in any discipline, not just scientists!
Please contact us at if you have any questions and follow us on social media at #CMUOpenScience.
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dataCoLAB Celebrates its First Year
Open House
The Data Collaborations Lab (dataCoLAB) marked the culmination of its first year in September 2020. To celebrate this milestone, a virtual Open House is planned for Wednesday, October 28, 1-3 pm. The Open House will provide an opportunity for this year's participants to showcase their research and collaboration experiences. Attendees will learn more about what dataCoLAB has achieved so far, as well as the future plans and potential of the program. The Open House structure will emphasize interactivity and opportunities to connect with potential collaborators. Sign up here:
Call for New Projects and Consultants!
As dataCoLAB moves into its second year, it extends a welcome to new participants. Researchers, if you are looking for help analyzing, organizing, or visualizing an existing dataset or want more confidence in results, learn more about getting support with your data here:
Potential consultants may be looking for opportunities to explore diverse datasets, learn and apply skills, and help others. If you want to build experience, get documented recognition of your skills, and add material to your CV, dataCoLAB would love to hear from you. Learn more here:
Registration is Open for a Virtual Carpentries Workshop in November

We are thrilled to be hosting a free and virtual Data Carpentries R for Social Scientists workshop November 11-13, 1PM-5PM each day! In this intensive workshop, participants gain hands-on experience with programming techniques in a supportive, open environment. Data Carpentry's aim is to teach researchers basic concepts, skills, and tools for working with data so that they can get more done in less time, and with less pain. This is an introduction to R designed for participants with no or little programming experience. These lessons start with some basic information about R syntax, the RStudio interface, and move through how to import CSV files, the structure of data frames, how to deal with factors, how to add/remove rows and columns, how to calculate summary statistics from a data frame, and a brief introduction to plotting.
Registration for these workshops fill up fast so please register here ASAP if interested and only if you can commit to attending the full workshop:
Support for Grant Writing

Writing a grant? Need a data management plan? Check out this Tartan Datascapes blog on sample DMPs and templates in DMPTool, licensed by CMU Libraries!
Learning Data Skills Survey
We'd be grateful for your input! A variety of learning support is provided by CMU University Libraries to help members of the research community build skills for conducting research with data.
To inform our development of this programming, we've developed a survey to gain insight into the needs of researchers who are seeking to build and enhance their skills. Access this anonymous survey here!
Next Week is Open Access Week!
Each October, libraries, universities, and researchers celebrate Open Access Week, a global event that teaches about the benefits of free, open access to scholarship and encourages researchers to share their work as openly as possible. This year, during Open Access Week (October 19th-26th) depositing your research (papers, data, posters, etc.) in CMU's KiltHub open access repository will enter you in a drawing for one of five $100 Amazon gift cards provided by figshare. Contact the KiltHub team to schedule a consultation to discuss how to submit your work to the repository. If you want to learn more about making your research openly available and to find out about the other open research tools the CMU Libraries supports, the Open Science team would be happy to help.
Expanded Offerings for Humanities Researchers
Are you a humanities researcher, or a STEM researcher who collaborates with humanists? Are you interested in the Open Science movement but not sure how to apply it to humanities research? We're thrilled to announce that Hannah Gunderman and Katie Behrman (two members of the Open Science and Data Collaborations team with humanities backgrounds) will be leading an initiative to provide educational resources and outreach to humanities researchers who want to apply more open principles to their work. From blog posts to tool demos, we're incredibly excited to expand our open science initiatives to broader humanities audiences within and beyond CMU!
Check Out our Fall Workshops!
We have a lot of virtual workshops coming up this semester to help you get started with data management, open access publishing, digital tools, and reproducible research.
- Publishing Openly: Understanding the CMU Publishing Agreements and Applying for Funding to the CMU Article Processing Charge Fund, Thursday, October 29th, 2020, 7:00-8:00pm; Register here: