We are thrilled to announce that we have renewed our institutional membership with The Carpentries and will have a series of virtual workshops during the next academic year.
Over the last 1.5 years, we have hosted 8 workshops that have brought together about 250 students, staff, and researchers from CMU and Pitt to learn basic programming and data science skills. Keep your eyes peeled for an email invite to register for our next workshop in August!
We continue to build our local Carpentries community and are looking for volunteers to help run these popular workshops. If you have already attended a workshop, you might remember the important role that "helpers" play. The helpers are the folks that float around the room and help our learners debug as they go. They make the workshop run smoothly and are a key component to their success!
If you are interested in volunteering to be a helper, please write us at openscience@andrew.cmu.edu. You do not have to volunteer for the entire event, just a portion of it. You also don't have to be a fluent programmer to help. Anyone with working familiarity with organizing spreadsheets, OpenRefine, Git, Unix, Python OR R can help out! This is a great opportunity for anyone that is interested in instruction or data science.
You can also send us an email if you are interested in becoming a certified Carpentries instructor. We might have a few spots left for training in the upcoming year.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about these opportunities - we are excited to talk to you! 