This month the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries' Open Science team is excited to announce the expansion of our program to include Data Collaborations. Find out how to register for this year's AIDR Symposium coming up in May, apply for a new postdoc position, and learn about upcoming workshops.
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Open Science & Data Collaborations Program
Thanks to the enthusiasm and support of the research community since the launch of our initiative, our team of open science advocates has evolved from providing a few tools and events that support research data sharing, to a fully developed Open Science Program that supports the entire life cycle of collaborative, transparent, and open research. After many conversations with different research communities at Carnegie Mellon and around Pittsburgh, we recognize a general need to bridge interdisciplinary collaborations and making basic data science training and support available to everyone. This semester, we added the Data Collaborations Lab (dataCoLAB) to our program, and renamed it the Open Science & Data Collaborations Program.
As an extended program, we will expand our capacity to provide deeper and more personalized support for data science at CMU and beyond, while continuing our existing efforts to empower open research. In addition to the existing training opportunities, we will be offering a series of hands-on workshops that allow you to bring your own data, and provide the opportunity to work with data science experts during our dataCoLAB office hours every Wednesday afternoon. As always, if you have needs to better plan, organize, manage, analyze, and share your research output and workflow, we are here for you!
Data Carpentries Workshop - R for Social Sciences
The Libraries will be hosting a free Data Carpentries R for Social Scientists workshop at CMU Libraries March 12th-13th! In these two-day intensive workshops, participants gain hands-on experience with programming techniques in a supportive, open environment. Data Carpentry's aim is to teach researchers basic concepts, skills, and tools for working with data so that they can get more done in less time, and with less pain. This is an introduction to R designed for participants with no programming experience. These lessons start with some basic information about R syntax, the RStudio interface, and move through how to import CSV files, the structure of data frames, how to deal with factors, how to add/remove rows and columns, how to calculate summary statistics from a data frame, and a brief introduction to plotting.
You can register for this workshop on our Eventbrite page Breakfast and lunch will be served both days, although participants must commit to attending both days of the workshop. SPACE IS EXTREMELY LIMITED! If you go to register and all spots are taken, please sign up for the waitlist!
AIDR Symposium 2020 - Call for Abstract Submissions
Co-organized by Carnegie Mellon University Libraries and School of Computer Science, the AIDR 2020 Symposium aims to find innovative solutions to accelerate the dissemination and reuse of scientific data in the data revolution using the power of AI.
The explosion in the volume and complexity of scientific data has made it increasingly challenging to find high quality data, evaluate data quality, integrate datasets, reproduce results, and reuse data for new discoveries. Last year, the NSF-supported inaugural AIDR 2019 spawned many lively discussions from a wide range of communities to talk about innovative AI tools, algorithms and applications to make data more discoverable and reusable. This year, we are following up with a one-day AIDR Symposium to continue these conversations and build interdisciplinary collaborations, with a focus on how we work together in Pittsburgh.
We invite AI researchers and practitioners, the scientific data community and the data management community to send abstract submissions that share applications of AI/ML to challenges related to the discovery, reuse and management of data across disciplinary boundaries. We especially encourage sharing work-in-progress and novel initiatives that can stimulate discussions and collaborations.
To submit, register, and learn more, visit:
Now Hiring! Postdoctoral Associate in Open Science
We are excited to announce a new open position, the Postdoctoral Associate in Open Science, as a part of our extended Open Science & Data Collaborations Program. We are looking for a tech-savvy postdoc to develop teaching, training and research that support open and reproducible research. If you are a PhD graduate who understands how research is done, wants to make research better, more transparent, and more reproducible, and is passionate about building an open and collaborative research community and using data science for social good, then this is the right job for you!
Join us! Apply or find out more
Upcoming Workshops on Open Science and Research Data Management
 The CMU Libraries is offering the following workshops on Open Science and Research Data Management in the Spring semester:
Data Management for STEM
Hannah Gunderman and Huajin Wang
03/09/2020, 6:00 PM
Researchers in STEM disciplines engage with unique forms of data including algorithms, code, spreadsheets, and big data. This workshop provides data management tips for STEM researchers including cleaning data, developing filenaming schemes, and storing data securely, especially with large datasets.
Data Visualization with Tableau
Emma Slayton
03/16/2020, 1:00 PM
This workshop provides an introduction to data visualization in Tableau, or the techniques used to visually display or communicate data.
You can register and see the full list of workshop offerings from the University Libraries at Unless noted, all workshops take place in the Sorrells Library Den in Wean Hall.