We have a number of workshops related to Open Science and Research Data Management coming up in September. Read more about these training opportunities below and meet the Libraries new Research Data Management Consultant, Hannah Gunderman.
Contact us at openscience@andrew.cmu.edu and follow us at #CMUOpenScience.
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Registration Open for R Software Carpentry Workshop, August 21 & 22 |
Join us for a 2-day hands-on introductory workshop on using R, Shell, and Git from The Carpentries. This workshop is suitable for those with little to no programming experience. Light breakfast and lunch will be provided. You can find more info on the workshop website and register here. Space is limited, so please only register if you can attend both days of the workshop and email openscience@andrew.cmu.edu if you need to cancel.
Students, staff, postdocs, and faculty learning data skills in R at our Data Carpentry Workshop on June 4-5, 2019 |
Become a Carpentries Instructor |
 The non-profit The Carpentries teaches researchers foundational computing skills with an emphasis on reproducibility and open science. Our upcoming R Software Carpentry workshop (advertised above) will be our sixth Carpentries workshop this year. As members of The Carpentries, CMU Libraries has the opportunity to offer instructor certification to a handful of researchers at CMU or Pitt. This is a great opportunity for anyone that is passionate about teaching or open science.
The certification involves completing Instructor Training, a 2-day in-person training on the pedagogy of the Carpentries, being held on campus on September 10th and 11th, and a few short tasks afterward outlined here: https://carpentries.org/become-instructor/. Once you are certified, you can volunteer to teach workshops locally at CMU or elsewhere in the United States or simply adapt what you have learned for your own teaching purposes.
The only eligibility requirement for becoming certified is that you have to have attended at least one Carpentries workshop, either here at CMU or elsewhere, so that you are familiar with the format. If you do the training with us, we'd ask that you commit to co-teaching a workshop in the CMU Libraries within the following year.
If you are interested in becoming a certified Carpentries instructor or want more information about it, please contact us at openscience@andrew.cmu.edu.
Upcoming Workshops on Open Science and Research Data Management |
CMU Libraries is offering the following workshops on Open Science and  Research Data Management in September:
Data Visualization Basics / September 9, 1 p.m.
Emma Slayton
This workshop provides an introduction to data visualization, or the techniques used to visually display or communicate data in graphs, charts and other tools.
Register here.
Applying for Funding to the CMU Article Processing Charge Fund / September 19, 12:30 p.m.
David Scherer
This workshop will introduce the many ways CMU authors can receive financial support to publishing in Open Access journals, including contributions towards Article Processing Charges (APCs).
Register here.
Data Management Tips and Tricks to Organize your Research / September 23, 1:00 p.m.
Ana Van Gulick and Hannah Gunderman
This workshop will introduce data management best practices to keep all the materials of your research projects organized, secure, backed-up, and well documented. These tips and tricks can be applied to single research projects or whole labs and encourage collaboration, efficiency, transparency, and reproducibility.
Register here.
Data Visualization with Tableau / September 26, 12:30 p.m.
Emma Slayton
This workshop provides an introduction to data visualization with Tableau, or the techniques used to visually display or communicate data.
Register here.
You can register for workshops and see the full list of workshop offerings from University Libraries at library.cmu.edu/workshops.
Meet the CMU Libraries New Research Data Management Consultant |
Hannah Gunderman, Research Data Management Consultant
I am a research data management enthusiast and geographic researcher. I consider my background in geography to be a superpower when working within research data management (RDM)! Geography is everything, and geographers study a wide variety of topics often seen in other disciplines like sociology, psychology, engineering, fine arts, and mathematics, but through a spatial lens.
While pursuing my doctorate in Geography from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, my research took a cultural turn, while also using many of the data analysis techniques learned in my prior STEM-focused BS and MA Geography degrees. During my PhD, I also worked as a research associate within Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Geographic Information Science and Technology Group. Here, I helped integrate ethnographic data into quantitative datasets. I also designed and executed a project using exclusively open data and open access data analysis tools to create a country-by-country projection of population stability across Africa. As a geographer by training, I have been exposed to research data in many forms, from ethnographic interview data to GIS to big data.
I see the Open Science movement as a natural companion to the work I do: in RDM, we are passionate about empowering researchers to use tools and techniques which allow their research outputs to be more accessible and reproducible. As the newest member of the Open Science team here at CMU Libraries, I hope to work with researchers interested in aligning their datasets more with concepts in open science principles, including but not limited to providing education in open data best practices and open source software, holding one-on-one consultations to provide RDM guidance, and leading informative workshops on using software and tools specifically aimed at helping manage research data.