Mendeley Institutional Edition

Mendeley Institutional Edition

Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE) is an institutional version of Mendeley with premium user features and additional institutional support. Enhanced and expanded, it is a product based on core Mendeley capabilities and includes the additional following features and competency for researchers:

  • Premium upgrades to empower researchers with more productivity and collaboration power.
  • Analytics dashboard to enable librarians to better administer and support their institutional information objectives and the researchers needs.
  • Alumni Policy to grant to the Alumni from a subscribing institution the right to access of 12 months of the same premium access according to the terms and conditions of that Policy.
  • Customized training session for their institution.
  • Support for users with 24x5 global on-line support services, with access to the on-line resource center for all the training tools.

Use your Andrew ID to sign up and get MIE benefits, or upgrade by joining our Carnegie Mellon University Mendeley Group (you must login to your account in order to join the group).

Visit or contact your liaison librarian to learn more.