Charlotte Kiger Price

Charlotte Kiger Price

Arts and Humanities Librarian

History, English, and Languages, Cultures & Applied Linguistics


Office: 109E

Hunt Library


4909 Frew Street

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Charlotte Kiger Price is the liaison librarian for History, English, and Languages, Cultures & Applied Linguistics (LCAL) at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. She holds a BA in Liberal Arts from Sarah Lawrence College (Bronxville, NY), an MLIS from Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA), and is currently enrolled in an Ed.D. program for Instructional Technology & Media at Teachers College Columbia University.

Charlotte is responsible for answering history, literature, and language related reference questions, building collections in these areas, creating Research Guides, providing instruction sessions for History, English, and LCAL, teaching workshops on research tools, and participating in committee work within the University Libraries. She also liases to the First-Year Writing program alongside librarian Ashley Werlinich, and is part of the Libraries' Copyright Consultation team.