The University Archives is excited to announce that a sizeable addition to the Carnegie Mellon Action Project (CMAP) Records is now open to research by faculty, students, alumni,and the public. The new addition includes two decades of photographs, albums, and negatives that capture various CMAP activities such as buggy races, the SPIRIT fashion show, awards banquets, back to school picnics, commencement, and Christmas parties. The addition also includes programs from early Martin Luther King Jr. Day festivities, and the Voices United gospel choir constitution and hymn book.
CMAP was founded in 1968. It’s focus was threefold: to increase the recruitment and retention of Black students, on-campus support (both academic and social), and alumni engagement.In the 1980s, CMAP expandedits efforts to include Latinx, Hispanic, and Native American students. Under the leadership of Ty Waltonin the mid-2000’s, CMAP was renamed to Carnegie Mellon Resource Advising Center (CMRAC) and broadened its focus to include students who were the first in their families to attend college.
The original donation of fourboxes was organizedand made accessiblein 2004. The additional sixboxes of records were donated in 2017 whenCMARC moved offices andwasabsorbed by the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion. The updated research guide can be browsed on the University Archives website or by searching Carnegie Mellon Action Project (C-MAP).
As we work to create a more inclusive archive, one that reflects the full Carnegie Mellon community, we hope you will consider giving us your feedback.What materials -documents, artifacts, websites, etc. –would you like to see included in the University Archives? How can we adjust our practices to make our collections more useful to you? Your feedback is crucial in helping us repair our archive.