Sarah Young
Social Sciences Librarian
Director, Evidence Synthesis Program
Office: 109G
Hunt Library
4909 Frew Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Sarah is the liaison librarian for the Heinz College, and departments of Statistics & Data Science, Carnegie Mellon Institute of Strategy & Technology, and Information Systems, as well as co-liaison to CMU Africa. She holds Masters degrees in Library and Information Science from the University of Pittsburgh and Development and International Relations from Aalborg University in Denmark, as well as a certificate in Program Evaluation from Michigan State University.
As a social sciences librarian and Director of the Evidence Synthesis Program, Sarah is broadly interested in the use and synthesis of research toward the improvement and evaluation of policy, programs and practice. She has expertise in literature searching and information management for systematic reviews and other types of evidence syntheses and provides methodological expertise on evidence syntheses across disciplines. Sarah also enjoys helping students, staff and faculty find social science data and statistics and learn to use open source writing, collaboration and data analysis tools like R, Zotero, and Open Refine.