LabArchives is an Electronic Research Notebook that can be used for securely storing, sharing, searching, and managing research data in any field or as a lab manual and notebook in lab classes.
Getting Started
University Libraries’ institutional license gives all Carnegie Mellon University students, staff, and faculty free access to both the Professional and Classroom Editions of LabArchives. CMU affiliates can use Shibboleth Single Sign-On to access their accounts with their Andrew IDs.
Service Details
LabArchives can be used to:
- Organize research data
- Preserve data securely, including all versions of all files
- Share information with members of your research group or external collaborators
- Satisfy data management mandates from funders
- Assign, grade, and monitor student work in lab classes
Quick Guides
Researchers can use these instructions to learn how to:
- Create and access your free LabArchives account at CMU
- Create and organize notebooks
- Add data to notebooks and work with different data types
- Share data in LabArchives
Instructors can use these instructions to learn how to:
- Create and access your free LabArchives account at CMU
- Build course contents
- Create a course and add students
- Interact with student notebooks
Students can use these instructions to learn how to:
- Access your Notebook
- Complete Assignments
- Submit assignments and view grades
- Make comments to interact with other students, instructors, and TA’s
ELN for Research Video (YouTube)
Every Thursday at 1 PM EST
ELN for Education Video(YouTube)
Every Wednesday at 12 PM EST
For Technical Support, email support@labarchives.com.
Primary Contact(s)
Enhance Your Teaching
Advise your students about research methods and resources that enhance their learning inside and outside the classroom, unlocking your teaching potential.