Jessica Benner
GIS and Spatial Data Librarian
Office: WEH 4406
Sorrells Library
Wean Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
I am a librarian supporting parts of the School of Computer Science, the Department of Philosophy and anyone on campus using maps, GIS tools or spatial data. Within the libraries, I help advance our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts, help maintain our reference service, and help coordinate efforts related to the digital and physical accessibility of our services. My current research interests include investigating how libraries and others are providing services for software preservation, developing best practices for libraries teaching geography and GIS concepts, and learning how to teach tools like GIS in a digitally accessible way. During my doctoral work at the University of Pittsburgh, I worked to understand the motivations for collaborative mapping projects like OpenStreetMap and how these tools are used to map the physical accessibility of urban spaces. To learn more about me or grab a copy of my CV, check my website: https://jgbenner.com/. I am happy to collaborate or help support your learning, research or work in any way that I can, don’t hesitate to reach out!