Terrence Chiusano
Technical Services Specialist
Office: 120
Hunt Library
4909 Frew Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Terrence Chiusano is a Technical Services Specialist at Hunt Library. He can help with questions relating to standing orders and the approval plan, both e- and print, as well as questions related to print serials, gifts, and discards/withdrawals, among other duties. He received his BA in poetry writing from the University of Pittsburgh and his MA in literature from the University at Buffalo where his research interests included textual scholarship, scholarly editing, descriptive bibliography, and 20th and 21st century North American avant-garde poetics. He is an assistant editor of Huck Finn: The Complete Buffalo and Erie County Public Library Manuscript (Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, 2003) and is the author of On Generation & Corruption (Fordham University Press, 2015), winner of the 2013-14 Poets Out Loud Editor’s Prize. He is passionate about the printed page and the heard word. He looks forward to being of assistance.