The CMU Libraries is pleased to now offer unlimited cloud storage to CMU-affiliated Zotero users. Zotero is a free, open source software commonly used for managing research references and citations. It is a very flexible option making it easy to organize and create citations for a wide range of materials including journal articles, blogs, software, newspaper articles, conference proceedings, primary source materials and more. Zotero allows you to easily capture PDFs and metadata directly from databases and websites, which you can organize into collections using tags, notes, and other features. Zotero also allows you to create and collaborate with groups of any size, sharing citation information and references for collaborative research. You can cite and write, and create bibliographies, in Microsoft Word or Google Drive.
With unlimited cloud storage, you can now share your PDFs and other item attachments with your collaborators without worrying about hitting a storage limit. If you've already been paying for Zotero storage, your automatic renewal payment should be automatically suspended, as long as you are using a CMU email address for your Zotero account. If you've been using a non-CMU email address for your Zotero account, there's no need to create or transfer to a new one. Simply add your CMU email address to your existing account.
The CMU Libraries offers regular workshops on Zotero and is happy to offer one-on-one consultations to help get you up and running, or to answer more advanced questions you may have about this tool. For more information about Zotero, visit our Zotero guide.