On December 7-9, 2021, the Carnegie Mellon University Libraries will host the Canada & U.S. SciVal and Scopus User Conference. This unique virtual event is designed to support users taking full advantage of the features and functionalities of these tools by sharing best practices and learnings from the community.
In the conference’s virtual platform, attendees from corporate and academic institutions including librarians, research officers, research managers, faculty members and researchers will hear how users from the region are using SciVal and Scopus to make research strategy and funding decisions, expand their academic/corporate collaborations, demonstrate impact, and more. They will also have an opportunity to hear what’s on the horizon for Scopus and SciVal from product releases and enhancements.
Keith Webster, Helen and Henry Posner, Jr. Dean of the University Libraries will deliver opening remarks highlighting how the technology-driven changes that have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic are impacting scholarly communication and research evaluation. Other presenters from the University Libraries include Associate Dean for Research and Senior Librarian Neelam Bharti and Librarian Ryan Splenda.