The Libraries provide access to millions of journal articles. While you can access this content through our website and catalog, you probably encounter research articles more often while browsing the web, or through sources like Google Scholar, Wikipedia and PubMed. The Libraries' subscription content can be accessed from the our website, but that may require searches of the catalog and multiple clicks to find what you need.
Now, we're happy to offer a faster alternative to connect to our full text content from the web: LibKey Nomad.
LibKey Nomad is an easy-to-install browser plug-in that provides one-click access directly from the web to the Libraries' subscription content. LibKey Nomad will appear on webpages at publisher sites, in the reference lists of Wikipedia articles, and on article pages in research databases like Web of Science and PubMed.
For more information about how to install and use LibKey Nomad, visit our LibKey Nomad information page.