Finding a fast and effective way to explore connections between a wide range of research data has long been high priority for the research community. Would you like to know how your research program productivity stacks up against other investigators’ outside of Carnegie Mellon University? Want to better understand publication history, or the connection of publications, patents, and clinical trials to grants? Everyone at Carnegie Mellon has access to a powerful competitive intelligence and research analytics tool – Dimensions.
Dimensions makes it easy to navigate the many links between grants, publications, clinical trials, patents, and policy documents through a dynamic, easy-to-use platform. Dimensions offers a better, faster way to discover, understand and analyze the global research landscape. Users can explore the connections between different researchers and institutions and access scholarly data, such as funded grants, publications, clinical trials, patents and policy documents, that they have contributed to the academic sphere. Dimensions enables researchers, staff, and leadership to measure and assess their research impact, identify collaborators and competitors, and use the data to inform decisions and develop strategic initiatives.
Led by representatives from Dimensions and the University Libraries, these targeted workshop sessions will provide attendees an overview of how Dimensions works, the variety and depth of research information that can be found within it, and how to use Dimensions for specific use cases. All workshops will be in The Den, located in the rear of Sorrells Library (4th floor of Wean Hall).
Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 10:00AM-11:30AM: Utilizing Dimensions to Search, Build, and Understand Research Context for Librarians
Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 2:00PM-3:30PM: Research Communication Specialists and Marketing and Communication Professionals
Thursday, December 12, 2019, 10:00AM-11:30AM: Research Administrators and Campus Leadership
Thursday, December 12, 2019, 12:30PM-2:00PM: Faculty, Staff, and Students (all users) – Lunch will be provided for this session
Please direct any questions about Dimensions or the workshop to David Scherer, daschere@andrew.cmu.edu.