Are you interested in storytelling or digital narratives? Have you ever considered using images places or maps to tell these stories? We have asked several students to build spatial narratives focusing on their interests – from voting access to climbing Mt. Everest – as a part of our final event for the Carnegie Mellon Libraries Spatial Storytelling Series.
The Spatial Storytelling Competition and Expo on April 18, 3 - 5:00 p.m. in IDeATe Studio B provides students the opportunity to showcase their work using ESRI Stroymaps - a digital storytelling tool. (Examples of storymaps). We have invited four judges – Randy Weinberg (Information Systems), Heidi Bartlet (Libraries), Melinda Angeles (County GIS Manager) and John Carson (Center for Arts in Soceity) – to select the best visual, best narrative, and overall best storymap.
Come to view the amazing work done by our student participants and stay to see who wins the glory and prizes at the end of our event! Food and drinks will be provided.