Every year around Valentine’s Day, universities and libraries around the world participate in Love Data Week (February 11 - 15, 2019), an effort to raise awareness related to managing, sharing, preserving, and reusing research data. The University Libraries are no exception. This year, you’ll be able to find us tabling at the libraries on campus all week, with cookies, candies, giveaways, and data valentines to get students and researchers thinking about the importance of loving and caring for their research data.
If you love your data, set it free!
Love Data Week Information Tables
Come meet the libraries’ data experts! Data Valentines + sweet treats + giveaways + open data consults
- Monday, Feb 11 – Hunt Library lobby, Noon - 2 p.m.
- Tuesday, Feb 12 – Mellon Institute Library, Fifth Ave. lobby, Noon - 2 p.m.
- Wednesday, Feb 13 – Sorrells Library entrance and Den, Noon - 2 p.m.
- Thursday, Feb 14 – Hunt Library lobby, Noon - 2 p.m .
KiltHub Repository Data Deposit-athon
All week (Feb 11-15) schedule a data consultation or deposit your data in the KiltHub repository and you’ll get a KeepCup cup and be entered to win a $50 Amazon giftcard.
Questions about data? Contact us at UL-DataServices@andrew.cmu.edu
What's Love Data Week all about? Read the Love Data Week blog post from Librarian Sarah Young.