Kudos @ CMU Pilot

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The University Libraries is participating in a pilot project with a new service called Kudos to help CMU researchers maximize the reach and impact of their published work, and to understand which activities and channels are most effective for communicating about their research. Kudos enables researchers to quickly describe a work in plain language, link it to materials that add context, share it on social and email networks, and then measure the effectiveness of these activities.

Kudos uniquely demonstrates the effect of using the Kudos tools on downloads, altmetrics and citations to help researchers decide how best to use the tools. In a pilot program, publications promoted using the Kudos tools receive on average 19% more downloads than those in a control group.

Kudos is free and easy to use.  Get found. Get read. Get cited. Get started at http://www.growkudos.com/go/cmu. Note that this link is customized for Carnegie Mellon, so please only share it with your CMU colleagues.  Find out more.

For details, visit http://www.growkudos.com/about/researchers or watch the short Introduction to Kudos video.